In my natural state. That's my cat Napoleon, by the way. And I'm pretty confident in stating that we were probably watching some truly embarrassing reality program on Bravo when this was taken.

How would your friends describe you? Direct from their mouths: Gregarious. Smart. Generous. Witty. Meticulous. Sweet. Thoughtful. Talented. Creative.

What does your life say about you? I'm a collector: Whether it's diplomas, the best friends anyone could ever ask for, KitchenAid mixers, or photos of my bakes and travels, my life is a collection of moments and people that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Let's make this fun, shall we?

Sure, we could talk about the basics: Where I grew up (San Jose, CA), where I went to college (U.C. Berkeley for my Bachelor's, Claremont Graduate University for my Master's), and how I feel about those darned Kardashians (no more, please)...but there's a much better way for you to get to know who I really am, and it's a lot more fun than pretending we're at a job fair in a hotel ballroom.

If you could do anything you wanted right now, what would it be? Right this minute? Probably eating a donut. Long-term? Participating in some kind of Amazing Race-esque reality show that would allow me to see the world in exciting, dizzying hyper speed.

Where do you most want to travel, but have never been? Totally cliché answer: Paris, if only to stare all agog at the stunning architecture and eat pastries all day.

Who is your favorite author? A tough one for any English major to answer, but I'd have to go with Oscar Wilde (I saw a drag performance of The Importance of Being Earnest in Dublin that rocked my world), followed closely by F. Scott Fitzgerald (we share the same birthday -- September 24!)

What has been your biggest challenge? Believing in myself as much as others believe in me. 

What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already? For high schoolers, basic life skills -- how to do your taxes, how to buy a house, etc. I recently saw something on Instagram that said "After my 12 years of education I still don't know how mortgage or taxes work but hey at least I know about the cells inside a f****** leaf." That pretty much sums it up.