I'm often asked, "When do you get the TIME to bake all of these things?!" My answer is always the same: If you love something, you always have time for it. My love affair with baking goes way back (like, legs-dangling-off-the-side-of-the-kitchen-counter back), but it became a full-fledged obsession in 2005. Since then, I have baked for friends, family, and complete strangers. I've brought treats into work on a weekly basis (at times I was fortunate to receive reimbursement for the cost of ingredients by the companies I worked for. Homemade treats = major morale boost.) I've brought cookies, brownies and bars to the baristas at my favorite coffeehouse, to the stylist who cuts my hair, to the UPS driver dropping off packages at my house, and yes, even to the trainers at the gym (hey, they'll just work it all off anyway.) For me, baking is a way to show people you care -- it's something homemade and from the heart, given as a thank you for making my life just a little bit sweeter. Factor in my love of food photography, and it makes for one deliciously photogenic hobby.